Change A Life Today

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Sponsorship Opportunities

To request our sponsorship package.

Please email or contact one of our team members.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Be a part of our team today.

Here's how you can support us!

Individual Donors

Contribute financially to the organization and support our cause.

Corporate Sponsors

Provide financial support, in-kind donations, or volunteer your employees' time and skills to assist us.


Offer time and expertise to help with various tasks such as mentoring, language tutoring, administrative work, or organizing events.

Community Leaders

Advocate our organization's cause, mobilize support, and connect RISEC with resources or networks within your community.

Government Representatives

Politicians and government officials can support the RISEC through funding opportunities, policy advocacy, and connecting us with relevant government programs or initiatives.

Educational Institutions

Schools, colleges, and universities can collaborate with RISEC to provide educational resources, language classes, or other forms of support to refugees and immigrants.

Legal Professionals

Lawyers and legal experts can offer pro bono services to help refugees and immigrants navigate the complex legal processes related to immigration, asylum, or residency.

Healthcare Professional

Doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals can volunteer their services to provide medical care, mental health support, or health education to refugees and immigrants.

Cultural and Religious Institutions

Churches, mosques, temples, and other religious or cultural organizations can support RISEC by providing space for activities, mobilizing volunteers, or offering cultural integration programs.

Celebrities and Influencers

Public figures can use their platform to raise awareness about RISEC’s work, encourage donations, or mobilize support from their followers.

Foundations and Grant-Making Organizations

Philanthropic foundations and grant-making organizations can provide financial grants to support RISEC’s programs and initiatives.

Social Workers and Case Managers

Professionals in the field of social work can offer their expertise to provide counseling, case management, and social support services to refugees and immigrants.

Language Interpreters and Translators

Individuals fluent in multiple languages can volunteer to provide interpretation and translation services to help refugees and immigrants communicate effectively in various settings.

Technology Experts

IT professionals and tech companies can assist RISEC by developing or maintaining our digital platforms, website, or apps to facilitate communication, access to resources, or online learning for refugees and immigrants.

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Become a Job Provider for the 1000 Seeds Program

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Are you an employer?

Help newcomers integrate in the workplace through our 1000 Seeds Program

Join the 1000 Seeds Program and be a catalyst for change in our community! We’re calling on businesses and employers to partner with us in providing short-term employment opportunities for newcomers in Canada. By participating, you not only contribute to the economic growth and cultural diversity of our workforce, but also help newcomers gain valuable work experience so they can build their careers. Your business can make a real difference by offering mentorship, internships, or short-term job placements, guiding newcomers toward successful careers. Together, let’s plant the seeds for a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous Canada. To know more about 1000 Seeds, email us

RISEC: Refugee Immigrant Settlement Education Career

RISEC Community Foundation is dedicated to assisting newcomers in their integration process into Canadian society. Our programs and services are aimed at addressing their immediate needs about their settlement, education, and career in Canada. From language classes and job training to career mentorship and settlement support, we strive to create a proactive environment where every newcomer has an opportunity to thrive and find success in Canada.

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