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Monish Parwani Sales Team Member Calgary AlbertaFormer Business Development Manager(Immigrant: 2023) Country of Origin: India

By Abel PagalingIn this interview, we explore the journey of Semirah Dosunmu, a product manager

By Marietta Pangan What I know Now "Moving permanently to a different country means leaving

By: Todd HunterRISEC Sports - Nutrition Columnist A brief introduction of myself, my name is

By: GBE - Global Bridge Education“Pursuing a college diploma in STEM fields in Canada offers

Did you know that in Canada; 23.0%Percentage of immigrants(2021 Census of Population) 8,361,505Total number of
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RISEC: Refugee Immigrant Settlement Education Career
RISEC Community Foundation is dedicated to assisting newcomers in their integration process into Canadian society. Our programs and services are aimed at addressing their immediate needs about their settlement, education, and career in Canada. From language classes and job training to career mentorship and settlement support, we strive to create a proactive environment where every newcomer has an opportunity to thrive and find success in Canada.