Reliable, Innovative, Supportive

Strategic Collaborators Circle

Our Partners

Welcome to the Partners section of the RISEC Community Foundation!

Our mission to support newcomer families in their integration into Canadian society is bolstered by the invaluable contributions of our diverse partners, including non-profits, businesses, and government entities. Together, we form a robust network dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.


Our non-profit partners bring specialized expertise and grassroots connections that enhance our programs and services. They collaborate with us on various initiatives, from community outreach and education to providing essential support services. These organizations share our commitment to social justice and inclusion, helping us reach and empower newcomer families in meaningful ways.


The business community plays a crucial role in supporting RISEC through funding, resources, and volunteer efforts. Our business partners provide financial support, sponsor events, and offer in-kind donations that enable us to deliver high-quality services to newcomers. Additionally, they offer mentorship and employment opportunities, helping newcomers build their careers and integrate into the workforce.


Government partnerships are essential for aligning our efforts with public policies and accessing vital resources. Local, provincial, and federal government agencies support RISEC through grants, policy guidance, and collaborative programs that address the unique needs of newcomers. Their involvement ensures that our initiatives are sustainable and have a broad-reaching impact.

Each partner brings unique strengths and perspectives, enriching our collective efforts to create vibrant, inclusive communities. We are deeply grateful for their support and collaboration, which allow us to make a lasting difference in the lives of newcomer families. Together, we are building a brighter future for everyone.

To partner with us, email

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Become a Job Provider for the 1000 Seeds Program

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Are you an employer?

Help newcomers integrate in the workplace through our 1000 Seeds Program

Join the 1000 Seeds Program and be a catalyst for change in our community! We’re calling on businesses and employers to partner with us in providing short-term employment opportunities for newcomers in Canada. By participating, you not only contribute to the economic growth and cultural diversity of our workforce, but also help newcomers gain valuable work experience so they can build their careers. Your business can make a real difference by offering mentorship, internships, or short-term job placements, guiding newcomers toward successful careers. Together, let’s plant the seeds for a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous Canada. To know more about 1000 Seeds, email us

RISEC: Refugee Immigrant Settlement Education Career

RISEC Community Foundation is dedicated to assisting newcomers in their integration process into Canadian society. Our programs and services are aimed at addressing their immediate needs about their settlement, education, and career in Canada. From language classes and job training to career mentorship and settlement support, we strive to create a proactive environment where every newcomer has an opportunity to thrive and find success in Canada.