From Arrival to Thriving: Your Canadian Journey

Navigating Your New Life in Canada,
One Step at a Time

About Canadian Horizons Magazine

Our magazine is dedicated to helping you achieve a successful transition to life in Canada. 

Our objective is to provide you with the essential tools, resources, and inspiration needed to make your settlement journey smooth and rewarding.

In this magazine, you’ll find:

Settlement Success

From understanding Canadian culture and navigating the healthcare system to finding your dream home and building a community, we will attempt to cover all aspects of settling into your new life. Our expert advice and personal stories from fellow newcomers will help you feel at home in no time.

Educational Excellence

Whether you're pursuing higher education or seeking the best schools for your children, Canadian Horizons Magazine will strive to offer\ comprehensive guides on the Canadian education system. Learn about scholarship opportunities, application processes, and how to excel in a new academic environment.

Career Advancement

Unlock your professional potential with our career-focused content. Discover tips on writing the perfect Canadian resume, acing job interviews, networking effectively and more. We also highlight success stories of newcomers who have made significant strides in their careers, providing inspiration and practical advice.

Join us on this journey as we help you turn your Canadian dream into reality.

Canadian Horizon Magazine is more than a magazine—it's your trusted companion in building a successful and fulfilling life in Canada.

Canadian Horizons Issue #1

Canadian Horizons Articles

Why Newcomers Should Pursue a College Diploma in Canada in the STEM Fields

By GBE - Global Bridge EducationCanada has long been recognized for its high-quality education system,

Overcoming Challenges as an Immigrant: The Journey of Coach Harp Harpal Sandhu

A Difficult Start Born in India in 1972, Coach Harp faced significant health challenges from

Iman Bukhari – My Advice for New Immigrants: Insights from My Journey

My name is Iman Bukhari, and I was born in Pakistan.My family and I lived

Successfully Integrating into Canada as a New Immigrant and a Parent: Li-Ling Chang

My journey began in Taiwan, where I was born and spent my early childhood. Our

My Journey and Advice for Newcomers to Canada: Sherissa Celis

A Journey of Service and Community Engagement My name is Sherissa Celis, and I have

From the Editor – It’s More Than Just A Magazine

It’s a pleasure to introduce to you something that I wish I had when we

Are you an employer?

Help newcomers integrate in the workplace through our 1000 Seeds Program

Join the 1000 Seeds Program and be a catalyst for change in our community! We’re calling on businesses and employers to partner with us in providing short-term employment opportunities for newcomers in Canada. By participating, you not only contribute to the economic growth and cultural diversity of our workforce, but also help newcomers gain valuable work experience so they can build their careers. Your business can make a real difference by offering mentorship, internships, or short-term job placements, guiding newcomers toward successful careers. Together, let’s plant the seeds for a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous Canada. To know more about 1000 Seeds, email us

RISEC: Refugee Immigrant Settlement Education Career

RISEC Community Foundation is dedicated to assisting newcomers in their integration process into Canadian society. Our programs and services are aimed at addressing their immediate needs about their settlement, education, and career in Canada. From language classes and job training to career mentorship and settlement support, we strive to create a proactive environment where every newcomer has an opportunity to thrive and find success in Canada.

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