
Why Newcomers Should Pursue a College Diploma in Canada in the STEM Fields

By GBE – Global Bridge Education Canada has long been recognized for its high-quality education system, robust economy, and welcoming attitude toward newcomers.  Pursuing a college diploma in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields in Canada can be a transformative step for immigrants seeking to establish themselves in a new country.  Before we dive further, if you’re thinking about getting a two-year diploma, contact our team at GBE – Global Bridge Education ( by sending an email to Here’s why investing in a Canadian STEM education can open up a plethora of opportunities for newcomers. High Demand for STEM Professionals The global economy is increasingly driven by technology and innovation, and Canada is no exception.  There is a growing demand for professionals in various STEM fields, including software development, data science, engineering, biotechnology, and environmental science.  The Canadian government actively promotes STEM education to address skills shortages and drive economic growth, making it an ideal environment for students to launch their careers. Excellent Job Prospects and Earning Potential STEM graduates in Canada enjoy strong job prospects and competitive salaries. According to Statistics Canada, STEM graduates have higher employment rates and earning potential compared to their peers in non-STEM fields.  With a growing emphasis on technology and innovation across various industries, the need for skilled STEM professionals continues to rise, offering newcomers lucrative and stable career opportunities. Diverse and Inclusive Environment Canada is celebrated for its multicultural society and inclusive policies. Newcomers pursuing a STEM education in Canada will find themselves in a diverse and supportive environment.  This cultural richness enhances the educational experience, fosters global perspectives, and builds a network of connections that can be invaluable in both personal and professional development. Industry Partnerships and Co-op Programs Many Canadian institutions offer co-op programs and have strong partnerships with industry leaders.  These programs provide students with hands-on experience and the chance to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.  Such practical experience is invaluable in building a strong resume and gaining a foothold in the job market upon graduation. Pursuing a college diploma in STEM fields in Canada offers newcomers a pathway to a successful and fulfilling career. With a world-class education system, strong job prospects, and a welcoming environment, Canada provides an ideal setting for students to thrive. By investing in a STEM education in Canada, newcomers can unlock a wealth of opportunities and lay the foundation for a prosperous future in their new home. GBE is a proud sponsor and partner of RISEC Community Foundation.  To find out which programs would suit you or to talk to an education advisor about your career options, contact Abel PagalingFounderRISEC Community Foundation Chief EditorCanadian Horizons Magazine

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Overcoming Challenges as an Immigrant: The Journey of Coach Harp Harpal Sandhu

A Difficult Start Born in India in 1972, Coach Harp faced significant health challenges from birth, coupled with the difficult living conditions of his home country. At the age of three, he and his family immigrated to Canada in 1975, embarking on a journey marked by numerous obstacles and opportunities. Struggling with Language and Culture Upon arrival in Canada, Coach Harp encountered one of his most significant challenges: the language barrier. With Punjabi as his primary language, adapting to an English-speaking school environment proved to be a daunting task. This language hurdle made fitting in and making friends particularly difficult, leaving him feeling isolated and frequently bullied. “As an immigrant, one of the biggest challenges I faced was the language barrier,” he recalls. “I struggled a lot with fitting in and finding friends.” His parents, also new immigrants, faced their own difficulties in adapting to the Canadian lifestyle. Shopping at Zeller’s, a budget-friendly store, meant that Harp wore off-brand clothes, unlike his peers who sported designer labels. This difference made him an easy target for teasing and exacerbated his sense of alienation. “I wore Zeller’s brand clothes and Wrangler jeans because that’s what my parents could afford,” he explains. “I didn’t know any better, but it made me stand out in a negative way.” Teachers, recognizing his struggle with English, would inform his parents, but they, too, were navigating this unfamiliar territory and often couldn’t provide the necessary support. Television unexpectedly became his primary tool for learning English. “I learned how to speak English by watching TV and repeating what the commercials were saying,” he shares. “this was my way of picking up the language.” Finding Solace in Canadian Football Throughout his school years, Harp’s struggle to fit in persisted. However, his life began to change when he discovered Canadian football in high school. Before finding football, he had tried joining various clubs, including the games club, multicultural club, and drama, but none resonated with him. Football, however, provided a sense of belonging and a constructive outlet for his frustrations. “When I was 12 years old, I started playing community football, and later, high school football,” Harp reflects. “I found a group of kids who didn’t think I was weird. Football gave me a sense of belonging.” The camaraderie and teamwork inherent in football taught him valuable lessons about cooperation and perseverance. “I found who I was when I first put on my shoulder pads and met my first football coach,” he says. “We were running together as a team, learning plays, and supporting each other.” Giving Back: Kids Play Foundation Today, Coach Harp is heavily involved with the Kids Play Foundation, a registered nonprofit organization dedicated to providing sports as an outlet for youth to avoid gangs, drugs, and violence. Founded by a Vancouver police officer in 2015, the foundation expanded to Calgary in 2019, starting with just two people. The organization’s mission is to offer a safe and constructive environment for kids, similar to what football provided Harp during his formative years. “Kids Play Foundation started in Vancouver by a police officer and expanded to Calgary in 2019,” Harp explains. “Our goal is to use sports to keep kids busy and away from negative influences.” Insights on Immigrant Success in Canada Drawing from his experiences, Coach Harp emphasizes the importance of immigrants stepping out of their comfort zones. Adapting to a new country is inherently challenging, and it’s easy to feel out of place. However, growth is limited without engaging with people from diverse backgrounds and pushing beyond familiar circles. “If you don’t put yourself out there, you’re not going to grow,” he states. He encourages immigrants to build friendships with others who may look different and share different experiences. This broadens one’s perspective and creates a supportive community. Additionally, continuous self-improvement through education, such as taking ESL classes or upgrading professional skills, is crucial, even if it means starting from scratch. “Too many people say, ‘In India, I was a doctor, or in India, I was a lawyer,’ but when you come to Canada, you need to adapt and sometimes start over,” he explains. Many immigrants face the frustration of not being able to practice their professions as they did in their home countries. Harp emphasizes viewing these challenges as part of the transition rather than failures. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. “Failure leads you to your goal. If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re afraid to grow,” he advises. Embracing Failure as a Path to Success In both business and personal development, Coach Harp views failure as a stepping stone to success. Fear of failure hinders growth, but embracing it can lead to significant achievements. He advises immigrants to remember why they came to this country and to remain resilient. Freedom and success require effort, adaptation, and a willingness to learn from every experience. “Ask yourself, why did you come to this country? If you want freedom, it’s not going to be handed to you. You have to earn it,” he says. “Adapt, grow, make friends, and seek help from people who understand your journey.” Through sharing his journey, Coach Harp hopes to inspire others to see challenges as opportunities and to find strength in community and personal growth. His story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptability, and the importance of finding one’s place in a new world. Abel PagalingFounderRISEC Community Foundation Chief EditorCanadian Horizons Magazine

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Iman Bukhari – My Advice for New Immigrants: Insights from My Journey

My name is Iman Bukhari, and I was born in Pakistan. My family and I lived in Singapore for a while before immigrating to Canada when I was about 11 years old. My pronouns are she/her. I was fortunate to receive most of my education in Canada, attending junior high and high school here. Embracing Volunteering One piece of advice I always share with new immigrants is the transformative power of volunteering. When I first arrived, I realized how important it was to get involved. Volunteering became my gateway to networking, building skills, and integrating into the community. I always tell new immigrants, “Volunteer as much as you can.” This will open doors, allowing you to meet people and make valuable connections. If you have a specific career in mind, search for associations related to your field and offer your time there. Volunteering helps build your professional portfolio, expands your network, and creates opportunities for future employment. This was particularly crucial for me when I struggled to find a job that matched my qualifications and experience. Navigating the Job Market Finding my first job in Canada was a challenge, even though I completed my education here. After graduating with a degree in communication studies, it took me an entire year to land a job in my field. This struggle is not unique to immigrants; even local graduates face similar challenges due to the high demand for experience. During my job search, I volunteered extensively. This helped me build skills and connections, which eventually led to employment. I want to emphasize that if you are an immigrant struggling to find a job, you are not alone. Stay engaged and proactive by volunteering; it can make a significant difference. Building Community Connections Connecting with local communities through platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp is vital. Various ethnic communities have active groups that can provide support, information, and resources. For example, communities like the Filipino, Indian, and Pakistani groups in Calgary offer immense support, from helping find accommodation to sharing job leads. These groups can be invaluable, offering practical advice and emotional support during your transition. Immigrant-serving organizations and government-led programs also provide essential services, including language classes and job readiness programs. Pre-Arrival Preparation Preparing before arriving in Canada can significantly ease the transition. If you can, engage in pre-arrival activities such as updating your resume, applying for jobs, and connecting with community groups online. This proactive approach can help you hit the ground running when you arrive, reducing the time and stress associated with settling in a new country. I understand that refugees face additional challenges, but there are specific resources and associations geared towards supporting refugees, and helping them integrate smoothly. Leveraging Community Resources Leveraging existing community resources is crucial. Many volunteer-led groups and immigrant associations offer practical support, such as providing furniture or helping find accommodation. These resources allow new immigrants to focus on job searching and integrating into Canadian society without the immediate pressure of securing all essentials independently. Creating a Better Canada Inspired by the idea of making Canada a better place, I founded the Canadian Cultural Mosaic Foundation. Our aim is to mitigate racism and improve race relations through education, technology, arts, and dialogue. I believe in the potential for a better world and see Canada as a land of opportunity for immigrants, despite its challenges with racism and colonialism. My journey and experiences have given me a deep understanding of the immigrant experience. Volunteering, community connections, and preparation have been key elements in my success. I hope my insights provide a roadmap for new immigrants to navigate the complexities of settling in a new country. Resilience and hope are crucial, and by leveraging every opportunity, you can build a successful and fulfilling life in Canada.

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Successfully Integrating into Canada as a New Immigrant and a Parent: Li-Ling Chang

My journey began in Taiwan, where I was born and spent my early childhood. Our family decided to immigrate to Canada when I was 13. Initially, my siblings came to Canada a year before I did, and then I joined them. We settled in London, Ontario, where we had some relatives. London became our home for the next decade, where I attended high school and university. After completing my education, I moved to Toronto to start my career, and eventually, I got married and relocated to Calgary, where I have lived since. Challenges as a New Immigrant The biggest hurdle I faced as a new immigrant was the language barrier. I arrived in Canada in grade eight and found it challenging to keep up in school due to my limited English proficiency. The first year was particularly tough, with only one other student in the ESL program, making it a small and isolating class. Additionally, dealing with the typical teenage social dynamics was difficult, and I was surprised at the unkindness of some of my peers. However, as my language skills improved over the next couple of years, I found my footing. I formed a close-knit group of friends, which significantly eased my transition. How Can Immigrant Parents Help Transition Immigrant Kids in Canada Parents play a crucial role in helping their children transition smoothly into a new culture. One effective strategy is to find and engage with communities that share similar interests or backgrounds. For instance, I joined a youth orchestra, which helped me make friends and integrate better. Religious communities can also offer strong support systems; I’ve seen several successful cases through their involvement in church activities. For families with children interested in sports, joining local sports teams can be beneficial. These activities provide children with a sense of belonging and opportunities to form friendships. Raising Immigrant Kids in Canada Raising children in a new country is challenging, regardless of one’s background. Constant communication with your children is essential, whether they are immigrants or born in Canada. Addressing issues related to friendships, schoolwork, and social interactions requires ongoing dialogue. For example, when my daughter struggled with boredom at school, we communicated with her teachers to find a more suitable program. Building a relationship with educators can significantly support your child’s educational journey. Additionally, helping children navigate social situations gradually can help them adjust more comfortably. Advice to New Immigrants on Transitioning to Canada Transitioning to a new country can be daunting, but leveraging available resources can ease the process. Canada offers numerous free services and programs for new immigrants, which can be immensely helpful. However, finding these resources might require some effort and persistence. My advice is to take advantage of these opportunities and not get discouraged if it takes time to locate the right support. There are many programs designed to assist newcomers, so keep looking and stay hopeful. In summary, integrating into Canada as a new immigrant, especially as a parent, involves overcoming language barriers, finding supportive communities, and maintaining open communication with children and educators. Utilizing available resources and taking a proactive approach can make the transition smoother and more successful.

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My Journey and Advice for Newcomers to Canada: Sherissa Celis

A Journey of Service and Community Engagement My name is Sherissa Celis, and I have the honor of serving as the Program Manager for Immigrant Senior Services and Legal Education Services at the Calvary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS). This nonprofit organization, dedicated to helping immigrants, has been a pillar in the community for over 40 years. Challenges as a New Immigrant My journey with CCIS began in 2004, and for nearly two decades, I have been deeply involved in various roles, shaping and supporting the lives of many newcomers. Since 2006, I have overseen programs that are crucial for immigrant seniors and provide legal education services.  However, my involvement extends far beyond CCIS.  I actively participate in numerous community boards across Calgary, including the Calgary Police Service Asia Advisory Board, where I have served for 16 years and am currently co-chair as a civilian member.  Recently, I was appointed to the Premier’s Council on Multiculturalism, a role that allows me to collaborate with 28 other leaders from across Alberta.  Additionally, I am proud to be the charter president of the Calgary Connect Lions Club, which we established in January 2024. Volunteering: A Stepping Stone for Newcomers One of the most significant pieces of advice I can offer to newcomers is to embrace volunteering. Volunteering is incredibly important, especially if you want to enter the workforce in Canada. I understand the frustration of the “chicken and egg” scenario, where employers require experience, but opportunities to gain that experience are scarce. Volunteering can be a bridge to overcome this challenge. It is considered valuable work experience and can provide essential references. Many of my former volunteers have successfully transitioned to paid employment, using me as a reference. Setting Realistic Expectations When you arrive in Canada, it is crucial to set realistic expectations. I always advise newcomers to be practical and grounded. Canada is indeed a land of opportunity, but success here requires hard work and often starting from the bottom. Be ready to take on survival jobs initially, but view them as temporary stepping stones. While working these jobs, continuously think about your long-term career goals and plan your path accordingly. Career Advancement Unlock your professional potential with our career-focused content. Discover tips on writing the perfect Canadian resume, acing job interviews, networking effectively, and more.  We also highlight success stories of newcomers who have made significant strides in their careers, providing inspiration and practical advice. The Role of Education and Networking Education plays a vital role in achieving success in Canada. Without a solid educational foundation, it can be challenging to return to your previous career or start a new one. If possible, take advantage of opportunities to further your education, even if it means balancing work and studies. Networking is another critical aspect of building a successful career in Canada. It is not something that everyone practices, especially newcomers, but it is essential. Networking can open doors to opportunities that you might not find otherwise. Attend workshops on resume writing and job search skills to familiarize yourself with the Canadian job market. Strategic Planning for Career Advancement While survival jobs may be necessary initially, they should be viewed as temporary. I always tell newcomers that survival jobs are good for one year. During this time, think about your long-term career and the steps you need to take to advance. Do not become too comfortable in these positions, as it can be easy to get stuck. Always keep your goals in mind and work towards them. Final Thoughts My journey and involvement in various community roles have provided me with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by newcomers to Canada. By volunteering, setting realistic expectations, furthering your education, and actively networking, you can successfully transition to life in Canada and achieve your career aspirations. Remember, the path may not be easy, but with perseverance and strategic planning, success is within reach.

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From the Editor – It’s More Than Just A Magazine

It’s a pleasure to introduce to you something that I wish I had when we arrived in Canada – a magazine dedicated to the successful transition of new immigrants. That’s what Canadian Horizons Magazine is about. Our magazine is dedicated to helping newcomers achieve a successful transition to life in Canada.  Our objective is to provide you with the essential tools, resources, and inspiration needed to make your settlement journey smooth and rewarding. In this magazine, you’ll find: Settlement Success From understanding Canadian culture and navigating the healthcare system to finding your dream home and building a community, we will attempt to cover all aspects of settling into your new life. Our expert advice and personal stories from fellow newcomers will help you feel at home in no time. Educational Excellence Whether you’re pursuing higher education or seeking the best schools for your children, Canadian Horizons Magazine will strive to offer comprehensive guides on the Canadian education system.  Learn about scholarship opportunities, application processes, and how to excel in a new academic environment. Career Advancement Unlock your professional potential with our career-focused content. Discover tips on writing the perfect Canadian resume, acing job interviews, networking effectively, and more.  We also highlight success stories of newcomers who have made significant strides in their careers, providing inspiration and practical advice. Join us on this journey as we help you turn your Canadian dream into reality. Canadian Horizon Magazine is more than a magazine—it’s your trusted companion in building a successful and fulfilling life in Canada. All the best in your journey! Abel PagalingFounderRISEC Community Foundation Chief EditorCanadian Horizons Magazine

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Albertans without high school diplomas can now register for new credential replacing GED

By Phil Heidenreich  Global News Starting on Wednesday, the Alberta government says residents of the province who do not have high school diplomas can begin registering for the new adult education credential that is replacing the General Educational Development (GED) credential. In replacing GED, the provincial government says the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) will ensure material being learned by those who register to get it “accurately reflects the needs of adults and the diverse cultures and perspectives in Canada, including material that is relevant for Indigenous, francophone and multicultural communities.”  In a news release issued Tuesday, the Alberta government noted that the CAEC was developed “in collaboration with eight provinces and territories, who selected Alberta’s government to lead based on Alberta’s expertise in developing and administering assessments, such as Provincial Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams.” The government noted Alberta will be home to the national CAEC Testing Service and will oversee the administration and delivery of tests. “Alberta is a trusted leader in education excellence, selected by education leaders across Canada to lead the development and administration of the CAEC,” Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said. “I’m proud of what we created and that we can continue to offer excellence and choice in education, while empowering adult learners across the province.” The CAEC will offer testing to people in both English and French on reading, writing, math, science and social studies. The provincial government noted that Albertans “who did not complete their GED tests can apply to have the results count towards CAEC tests in the same subjects for up to three years, until May 2027.” It also noted that the GED will continue to be recognized as a valid credential. Source: Albertans without high school diplomas can now register for new credential replacing GED |

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Unlocking Your Career Success: The Impact of Volunteering for Newcomers in Canada

By RISEC Community Foundation For newcomers to Canada, navigating the job market can be particularly daunting, with factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and lack of local experience presenting significant hurdles.  However, there is a powerful tool that newcomers can utilize to not only integrate into Canadian society but also propel their careers forward: volunteering for non-profit organizations. Building a Bridge to Integration Volunteering serves as a bridge between newcomers and their adopted communities.  It offers invaluable opportunities to connect with locals, understand Canadian work culture, and improve language skills.  By immersing themselves in volunteer work, newcomers can gain practical experience, expand their professional networks, and enhance their understanding of Canadian society—all of which are essential for successful integration into the workforce. Skill Enhancement and Professional Development Volunteering provides a platform for newcomers to hone their existing skills and acquire new ones.  Whether it’s through administrative tasks, event coordination, or client interactions, volunteers have the chance to develop transferrable skills that are highly sought after in the Canadian job market.  These skills include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability—qualities that are not only essential for career advancement but also for thriving in a diverse and dynamic workplace environment. Establishing Credibility and Building References For newcomers needing more Canadian work experience, volunteering offers a credible pathway to showcase their abilities and work ethic to potential employers.  By consistently demonstrating their commitment and dedication as volunteers, newcomers can earn glowing recommendations and references from non-profit organizations, which can significantly bolster their job applications. Moreover, volunteering allows newcomers to fill gaps in their resumes, demonstrating proactive engagement and a genuine desire to contribute to their communities. Expanding Professional Networks Networking plays a pivotal role in career advancement, and volunteering provides newcomers with ample opportunities to expand their professional networks.  Through interactions with fellow volunteers, staff members, and community stakeholders, newcomers can forge meaningful connections that may lead to job opportunities, mentorship, or invaluable insights into their chosen fields.  Moreover, volunteering exposes newcomers to a diverse range of individuals from various backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and enriching their professional experiences. Demonstrating Cultural Competence and Social Responsibility Employers increasingly value candidates who demonstrate cultural competence and a commitment to social responsibility in today’s globalized world. Volunteering for non-profit organizations allows newcomers to showcase these qualities firsthand.  By actively engaging in initiatives that address pressing social issues and support marginalized communities, newcomers signal their alignment with Canadian values of inclusivity, compassion, and civic engagement—attributes that are highly esteemed by employers across industries. Volunteering for non-profit organizations is not merely an act of altruism; it is a strategic investment in one’s personal and professional development, particularly for newcomers to Canada.  Through volunteering, newcomers can bridge cultural divides, enhance their skills, establish credibility, expand their networks, and demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility—all of which are crucial steps toward unlocking their full potential in the Canadian workforce.  As newcomers embark on their journey toward career success, volunteering stands as a powerful catalyst for integration, growth, and contribution to the vibrant tapestry of Canadian society.

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Navigating New Horizons – Part 2: The Role of Volunteering in Overcoming Challenges

Volunteering for non-profit organizations offers newcomers a powerful avenue for overcoming the challenges they face when transitioning to Canada. By actively engaging in volunteer work, newcomers can: 1. Build Social Connections: Volunteering provides newcomers with opportunities to connect with others in their community, fostering friendships and support networks that can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. 2. Gain Canadian Work Experience: Volunteering allows newcomers to gain valuable Canadian work experience, develop transferrable skills, and build their professional networks—all of which are essential for securing employment in their chosen field. 3. Access Support and Resources: Non-profit organizations often provide newcomers with access to a wide range of support services, including language classes, job training workshops, and settlement assistance. By volunteering with these organizations, newcomers can access the resources they need to navigate the transition to Canada successfully. 4. Contribute to the Community: Volunteering allows newcomers to give back to their community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. By actively participating in volunteer initiatives, newcomers can develop a sense of purpose and belonging, while also building valuable connections and skills. The transition to life in Canada presents newcomers with a unique set of challenges, from cultural adjustment to employment barriers and social isolation.  However, by volunteering for non-profit organizations, newcomers can overcome these challenges and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.  Through volunteer work, newcomers gain valuable skills, access support services, build social connections, and contribute to their community—all of which are essential for successful integration and thriving in their new home.

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Navigating New Horizons – Part 1: Challenges Faced by Newcomers

By RISEC Community Foundation Moving to a new country is a life-altering experience filled with excitement, anticipation, and a sense of adventure.  For newcomers to Canada, the journey represents a fresh start—a chance to pursue new opportunities, forge meaningful connections, and build a better future for themselves and their families.  However, amidst the promise of a brighter tomorrow lie a myriad of challenges that can complicate the transition to their new home. From cultural adjustment to economic integration, newcomers face a host of hurdles that require resilience, resourcefulness, and support.  In this article, we explore some of the challenges encountered by newcomers in Canada and highlight the importance of volunteering for non-profit organizations as a key strategy for overcoming these obstacles. 1. Cultural Adjustment One of the most significant challenges for newcomers to Canada is navigating the complexities of cultural adjustment. Adapting to new social norms, customs, and expectations can be overwhelming, especially for those coming from vastly different cultural backgrounds. From language barriers to unfamiliar social cues, newcomers may experience feelings of isolation, confusion, and homesickness as they strive to find their place in Canadian society. 2. Employment Barriers Securing meaningful employment is often a top priority for newcomers to Canada, yet it can also be one of the most daunting challenges they face. Factors such as lack of Canadian work experience, credential recognition issues, and language proficiency requirements can hinder newcomers’ ability to find suitable employment opportunities. As a result, many newcomers struggle to access the job market and achieve financial stability, despite their qualifications and skills. 3. Social Isolation Building a social network is crucial for newcomers to Canada, yet it can be difficult to establish connections in a new environment. Social isolation is a common challenge faced by newcomers, particularly those who may not have existing family or community ties in Canada. Feelings of loneliness and alienation can exacerbate other challenges and impact newcomers’ mental health and overall well-being. 4. Access to Resources and Support Services Navigating the intricacies of Canadian systems and accessing essential resources and support services can be overwhelming for newcomers. From healthcare and education to housing and legal assistance, newcomers may struggle to navigate bureaucratic processes and understand their rights and entitlements. Limited knowledge of available services and language barriers can further exacerbate these challenges, leaving newcomers feeling overwhelmed and unsupported.

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