Non-Profit Database

Connecting Charities for Change

Community Development - Non-Profit Database

Non-Profit Database

ProvinceCityNameWebsitePhoneEmailService SummaryYear EstablishedContact HoursWhen to Contact
AlbertaBrooksBrooks & County Immigration Services (BCIS)bcis-brooks.ca403-362-0404info@bcis-brooks.caProvides settlement and integration services, including assistance with immigration processes, community orientation, and support programs for immigrants, refugees, and temporary foreign workers.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for assistance with immigration, settlement, and community integration services.
AlbertaBrooksBrooks Community Adult Learning Council (BCALC)brookslearning.ca403-362-5372info@brookslearning.caOffers literacy programs, English as a Second Language (ESL) courses, digital literacy, and foundational skills training for immigrants, refugees, and temporary foreign workers.N/AMonday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for literacy and ESL programs, as well as other adult learning services.
AlbertaBrooksGlobal Village Centreglobalvillagecentre.ca403-362-2533info@globalvillagecentre.caProvides support to help immigrants become successful, contributing members of Canadian society through various programs and services.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for general support services for integration and community involvement for immigrants.
AlbertaBrooksCatholic Social Services - Immigration and Settlement Servicesnewcomers.cssalberta.ca403-362-6661info@cssalberta.caOffers settlement supports, family services, cultural integration, and employment training programs for newcomers.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for settlement support, family services, and cultural integration programs.
AlbertaCalgaryCalgary Bridge Foundation for Youthcbfy.ca403-230-7745contactus@cbfy.caThe foundation provides services for immigrant and refugee youth and their families by providing appropriate information, knowledge and experience as they build a life in Canada.1990Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
AlbertaCalgaryCalgary Career Hub Career Hub is for unemployed and underemployed Calgary residents that are actively looking for a job.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
AlbertaCalgaryCalgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS)ccisab.ca403-262-2006info@ccisab.caOffers settlement, employment, family services, and community integration programs for immigrants and refugees.1981Monday-Saturday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pmContact for assistance with settlement, employment services, and integration programs, or to volunteer.
AlbertaCalgaryCentre for Newcomerscentrefornewcomers.ca403-569-3325info@centrefornewcomers.caProvides settlement services, language training, employment services, youth programs, and family support.1988Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pmContact for information on settlement, employment, and youth services, or to schedule an appointment.
AlbertaCalgaryCalgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)ciwa-online.com403-263-4414reception@ciwa-online.comSupports immigrant and refugee women and families with settlement needs, employment training, and family services.1982Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pmContact for program details, support services for women, and to book an appointment for any service needs.
AlbertaCalgaryCalgary Region Immigrant Employment 587-894-7583N/AThis not-for-profit connects newcomer professionals to strategies that will lead to successful employment outcomes.
AlbertaCalgaryElizabeth Fry Society of Calgarywww.elizabethfrycalgary.ca587-391-0148reception@elizabethfrycalgary.caElizabeth Fry Society of Calgary offers free immigration information and guidance to low-income women and their families. it also provides guidance and navigation with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada applications.2019
AlbertaCalgaryImmigrants Champions of Canada champion Immigrant's rights by providing them with the skills, resources and support necessary to build successful and fulfilling lives in Canada through our career and settlement services.2017Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
AlbertaCalgaryGateway Calgarygatewayconnects.ca403-265-1120info@gatewayconnects.caProvides support and connects newcomers to the right programs and services to help them succeed in Calgary.2021Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for guidance on programs and services available for newcomers, or to book an appointment.
AlbertaCalgaryThe Immigrant Education Society (TIES)immigrant-education.ca403-235-3666info@immigrant-education.caProvides English language classes, employment training, settlement services, and childcare support for newcomers.1988Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for information on language classes, employment training, and to inquire about childcare support.
AlbertaCalgaryImmigrant Services Calgaryimmigrantservicescalgary.ca403-265-1120contact@immigrantservicescalgary.caConnects newcomers to various settlement, language, employment, and integration services.1977Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for assistance with any newcomer services, to schedule an appointment, or for general inquiries.
AlbertaCalgaryYMCA Calgary (SE) or clink@ywcalgary.caThis organization offers language, employment, and settlement training for newly arrived newcomers and low income families. Specifically, their Welcome Resources Information Program is an information service to help guide newcomers through all the different programs and services available in Calgary.
AlbertaEdmontonActive Action Action is a not-for-profit volunteer organization, founded in March 2021 with a view to promoting social welfare. The organization was later repurposed with the primary aim to support new immigrants coming to Canada, to better acclimate them in Canada and provide necessary literacy so that they can get accustomed with the Canadian systems. Another goal of the organization (inspired by its earlier view/purpose) is to raise awareness about essential health and social issues in order to promote the development of a healthier society.
AlbertaEdmontonASSIST Community Services Centreassistcsc.org780-429-3119info@assistcsc.orgProvides integrated services, adult English courses, and family, youth, and senior services.1977Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for integrated services, language courses, and family support programs.
AlbertaEdmontonCenter for Family Litracy Centre continues our efforts to improve literacy through programs, training, development of resources, promotion, awareness, and research. In partnerships with community agencies, we support thousands of adults and children each year.1980Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
AlbertaEdmontonChanging Together - A Centre for Immigrant Womenchangingtogether.com780-421-0175info@changingtogether.comSupports immigrant women and their families with employment skills, life skills, and Canadian work experience.1984Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:30 pmContact for support services for immigrant women, and to participate in the volunteer program.
AlbertaEdmontonCanadian International Immigrant & Refugee Support Association (CIIRSA)ciirsa.ca780-429-4553ciirsaedmonton@ciirsa.caOffers sponsorship agreements, settlement support, and assistance to immigrants and refugees.1985Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for sponsorship support, settlement assistance, and general inquiries.
AlbertaEdmontonCommunity Adult Learning Program (CALP) 485-4926office@calp.caThe Community Adult Learning Program supports over 80 community-based learning organizations who provide Adult Literacy and Foundational Learning opportunities in communities across Alberta.2023
AlbertaEdmontonEdmonton Immigration Services 780-474-8445info@eisa-edmonton.orgA Not for profit`organization that provides services to new immigrants, refugees & first generation Canadians.
AlbertaEdmontonIndo Canadian Women's Association, skill building community activities and adult education we try to ensure that immigrants are able to feel at home in Canada.​1984Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
AlbertaEdmontonIslamic Family & Social Services Associationifssa.ca780-900-2777info@islamicfamily.caA non-profit registered charity dedicated to providing services in response to social need of the Edmonton Community within an Islamic context.
AlbertaEdmontonEdmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN)newcomercentre.com780-424-7709info@newcomercentre.comProvides settlement services, language classes, employment support, and community integration programs.1980Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for language classes, employment support, and integration services.
AlbertaEdmontonCatholic Social Services (CSS)newcomers.cssalberta.ca780-424-3545info@cssalberta.caOffers settlement services, family support, language training, and community integration programs.1961Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for assistance with settlement, family services, and employment training.
AlbertaEdmontonHope For Tomorrow's Shade Association Canada (HT- SACA), htsaca@gmail.comoffer refugee sponsorship as a private refugee Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Immigration , Refugees and Citizenship Canada and to provide settlement and integration programs and services for refugees in Alberta.
AlbertaFort McmurrayCanadian International Immigrant & Refugee Support Association (CIIRSA)ciirsa.ca587-276-0011ciirsafortmcmurray@ciirsa.caProvides sponsorship agreements, settlement assistance, and general support for immigrants and refugees.1985Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for sponsorship support, settlement assistance, and general inquiries.
AlbertaFort McmurrayFort McMurray Welcome Centrenewcomers-ymm.ca780-370-2530lip@northernalberta.ymca.caProvides community development, stakeholder collaboration, and support for newcomer integration through various services.2015Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for information on community resources and support services for newcomers.
AlbertaFort McmurrayUnity House (part of Waypoints)waypointswb.caCrisis Line: 780-743-1190mallory.woodward@waypointswb.caOffers emergency accommodation, support, and services for women and children fleeing domestic violence.N/A24/7 Crisis Line; Business Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for emergency support and services for women and children in crisis.
AlbertaFort McmurrayYMCA of Northern Alberta - Wood Buffaloymcanab.ca780-791-1115 Ext 2elink@northernalberta.ymca.caOffers settlement services, employment support, language improvement programs, and mentorship for newcomers.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for settlement advice, employment services, and language programs.
AlbertaGrand PrairieGrande Prairie Local Immigration Partnership (GPLIP)cityofgp.com780-832-6178GP_lip@cityofgp.comEngages local service providers to support newcomer integration, community research, strategic planning, and coordination of services.2015Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for community planning and support services related to newcomer integration.
AlbertaGrand PrairieGrande Prairie Centre for Newcomersgpcn.ca780-538-4452info@gpcn.caProvides settlement services, integration programs, workshops, citizenship education, and English language support.N/AMonday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for settlement services, language support, and integration programs.
AlbertaGrand PrairieGrande Prairie Friendship Centregpfriendshipcentre.org780-532-5722info@gpfriendshipcentre.orgOffers various programs including youth groups, mental health support, housing assistance, and community integration services, primarily for Indigenous populations.1965Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for community support services, youth programs, and mental health support.
AlbertaGrand PrairieGrande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizationsvolunteergrandeprairie.com780-538-2727info@volunteergrandeprairie.comSupports local non-profits and community organizations with volunteer management, training, and professional development.1969Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for volunteer opportunities and support for local non-profits.
AlbertaLethbridgeCanadian International Immigrant & Refugee Support Association (CIIRSA)ciirsa.ca780-429-4553ciirsaedmonton@ciirsa.caOffers private sponsorship agreements, settlement assistance, and general support for immigrants and refugees.1985Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmContact for sponsorship support, settlement assistance, and general inquiries.
AlbertaLethbridgeLethbridge Family Services - Immigrant Serviceslfsfamily.ca403-320-1589is@lfsfamily.caProvides settlement services, community orientation, document translation, and volunteer matching programs.1910Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for settlement services, translation services, and community support.
AlbertaLethbridgeCatholic Social Services - Immigration and Settlement Servicesnewcomers.cssalberta.ca780-424-3545info@cssalberta.caProvides settlement support, family services, cultural integration, and employment training programs.1961Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmContact for settlement support, family services, and integration programs.

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Help newcomers integrate in the workplace through our 1000 Seeds Program

Join the 1000 Seeds Program and be a catalyst for change in our community! We’re calling on businesses and employers to partner with us in providing short-term employment opportunities for newcomers in Canada. By participating, you not only contribute to the economic growth and cultural diversity of our workforce, but also help newcomers gain valuable work experience so they can build their careers. Your business can make a real difference by offering mentorship, internships, or short-term job placements, guiding newcomers toward successful careers. Together, let’s plant the seeds for a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous Canada. To know more about 1000 Seeds, email us

RISEC: Refugee Immigrant Settlement Education Career

RISEC Community Foundation is dedicated to assisting newcomers in their integration process into Canadian society. Our programs and services are aimed at addressing their immediate needs about their settlement, education, and career in Canada. From language classes and job training to career mentorship and settlement support, we strive to create a proactive environment where every newcomer has an opportunity to thrive and find success in Canada.